
joys and toys

That's my new baby - a Graflex large format camera. If anyone wants portraits, I'll be needing [patient] test subjects. Can't wait to figure this beauty out.

My stomach is sore from laughing tonight and last night. My parents put all of our family videos onto DVD for my brother, sister and I this Christmas. GREAT PRESENT. Movie night, anyone?


Michael said...

Totally sweet camera. Get some Polaroid Type 55 for it, and read some of what Darren Carroll says about them on the sportsshooter message boards. You will learn a lot. You will also make beautiful photos. Your parents' neighbor just handed you gold.

Cara Marie said...

the dvds....what a great collectioin. i would looove to do that with all of ours.
and the camera....did they get that for you. is it an antique?