Friday marked the beginning of a new decade. Two thousand and ten? Twenty ten? I'll go for the latter. Whoever heard anyone say nineteen thousand and ninety nine? How cumbersome. On the second day of the year I decided to go in search of 2010 addresses. My parents live in the 2700 block of 1st Avenue near downtown Seattle. Easy. All I had to do was walk a few blocks southeast and zig zag my way through the city, finding the best 2010s.
After two hours of walking, I didn't find ONE 2010. Parking lots, vacant lots, parking garages, the spaces "in between" shops and a hotel or two filled the 2010 spot. On 8th Avenue the large Seattle Police Department complex takes over the scene. 2000, 2008 and plenty of 2014s, but where could I find 2010? I gave up and went shopping at the market.
The next day I was in the car with my parents and grandma. They decided to help with my quest. We went about 10 blocks out of the way en route home and found a 2010 on 10th Avenue E. The address plate was boring, plain - not to mention it was on a home that I couldn't exactly climb the stairs to photograph. We hit the jackpot one block over. 2010 Broadway E, thank you! Lucky for me, this address was at a condo/apartment complex. I walked up the stairs and got as close as I wanted, without feeling like a creepy address stalker.
And so I bring to you a hard-earned 2010. Happy New Year!
1 comment:
I tried also but it was so cold outside but I am loving yours Elie....miss ya
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