
lost moments now found

I met Trel Brock in college. He was taking photographs on the set of Killer Diller, a movie his sister was directing. My friends and I were crammed into a sweaty gymnasium with hundreds of extras for a scene, and Trel's camera caught my eye. We bonded professionally almost immediately and ended up hanging out in the days following. He gave me a roll of crazy film from a place called RGB in Hollywood. It was something called 5246 Negative color film. You process it ECN 2 DX, which means you get a negative plus a slide. Crazy, huh?

I took the roll with me to California about six years ago on a Fourth of July trip. I shot the 36 frames during the trip and sent the roll to Hollywood for processing. I never got the roll back, or so I thought. At the beginning of May I went to D.C. to help my sister and her husband move to a new place. In one of their boxes I found the missing roll of processed film; Waiting that long to see the images made the pictures even better!

I haven't taken a picture with a film camera in years. Holding the slides up to the light and taking the negatives to get printed made me a bit giddy. The slide quality is flawless. The exposure is dead on. The color is super vibrant. The negatives maintain that color but have a lot more grain. Here are two of my favorites. The picture of my sister and her husband makes me smile. They shared this beautiful moment in Chinatown. A year later in the same city Kyle proposed to my sister in Golden Gate Park. As for the seals, you can still find them at Pier 39.

1 comment:

kater said...

Looks like I'm smoking a cigarette. Anyways, I love that we found these! I want copies of the whole roll. ;-)