
day digest

Things I learned today:

My brother is fascinated by pirates ... and has ambitions of becoming one.
Dreidels are hard to find in Columbia, Mo. (No, I'm not Jewish.)
At Walgreens you can have photos stitched into blankets. It looks creepy.
I need to play more tennis.
Blockbuster's credit card system was down today.
Homemade caramel and Chex mix make a wonderful breakfast.
My parent's neighbor used to take photos for the Army with a 4 x 5 camera, and he's giving it to me.
Jesus was actually born in May.
Good hot cocoa is also hard to find in Columbia, Mo., so el cheapo Swiss Miss wins.
My road atlas includes Mexico. Who wants to go?
La Casa Grande changed their look and menu, AGAIN.

And now for some jokes straight off the Laffy Taffy wrapper:

Why was the boy covered in gift wrap?
His mom told him to "live in the present."

What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo?
A "pouch" potato

What is a vampire's favorite food?
Neck-tarines (Ah, darn, not the clementine!)

My brother informed me that I no longer have to lock the doors to my car. "If a thief saw the mess in your car they'd say '%$*# that' and move along to the next car in the lot." Thanks, Johnny. With that said, I'm off to clean my car.

1 comment:

Michael said...

You're getting a free 4x5? Be sure to leave it in your unlocked car sometime and I'll have Teabag steal it for me.