
life is beautiful, no?

Last week at work one of the security guards at my office greeted me as always, "Good morning, Elisabeth!" I then made some comment about how I loved his smile and attitude. He replied, "Life is so beautiful." I chuckled, believing his words.

This weekend, his words went through my head again. But life didn't feel so beautiful this weekend ... until I stopped to see it. I went to the park and stared up at the trees. The sky was so blue. Was it really the first day of October? Yes, it was. The beauty didn't make my pain disappear, but it certainly was a good mental acetaminophen for the couple hours I spent under the sun. So I just closed my eyes and let the sun soak all my bad feelings away. Then I knew, my pain was fleeting and insignificant compared to the pain of others who look at that same sky.

hearts are for beating, pumping blood • heads are for thinking • feet are for jumping • is anything worth wearing on your sleeve? maybe ketchup.

1 comment:

Cara Marie said...

i was looking at that same sky. i noticed how blue it was as well. so beautiful.

some people wear ipods on their sleeve.....i dunno.;)