
public transportation

| warning: image has been oversharpened using Photoshop |

In light of recent photo scandals and ethical debates about how a photo should or should not be manipulated, I want to be transparent and let you all know that this photo, indeed, has been manipulated. I'm not a big fan of messing with photos in Photoshop. I rarely go into anything except basic toning and, occasionally, cropping. I sharpen my images a smidge for the Web. Tonight I accidently typed the sharpening amount wrong and sharpened this picture by 150 percent with a radius of 40. Yikes! Somehow, when I went back to the original image, I wasn't as happy with it as I was with the accident version. We'll just call this one art.

Lesson 4: Don't oversharpen images for editorial uses. You'll probably get fired. Oversharpen them for your blog, but let your viewers know what they are seeing.

As for the public transportation part, this photograph was shot en route from Smithsonian to Takoma Park Station on the Metro. I love riding public transportation. I love watching other people use public transportation. Sadly, I don't use it as often as I'd like to in St. Louis. If I had stops closer to home and work, you bet I'd use it. So I guess I'm one of those crummy, conditional public transport fans that loves public transportation when in cities where it is more integrated- BART in San Fran, Metro in D.C., MTA in New York, the T in Boston. Heck, the metro in L.A. is even better every time I visit. The first photo project I worked on as a freshman at the University of Missouri was called "Faces Going Places"- portraits of people who rode the Columbia buses. I never noticed how much I talked about public transportation until my brother-in-law called from L.A. to let me know he was riding the metro. For some reason, that made him think of me. That cracked me up.

Detroit's public transit wins the prize for coolest name I've heard: PeopleMover

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favorite name is the one for public transit buses in Indianapolis — IndyGo.
